
Change case in word to standard title word 2000
Change case in word to standard title word 2000

How does this relate to the materials from lectures and study guides? Use the course information in your answer to the assignment question.What theories do you think the marker expects?.

change case in word to standard title word 2000

  • Does each point logically follow the last one, or do you jump over important points?.
  • change case in word to standard title word 2000

    Would a general (i.e., non-specialist) reader understand your point? Have someone else read over your assignment and ask you questions about it.Make sure every argument in your head and in your plan is on the page.If you are often over the word count you should look at your writing style. Remove hedging language that adds little to the argument (e.g., it would seem that, it is possible that).Remove multiple examples where one or two are sufficient.Which paragraphs fit in the overall structure? Which paragraphs overlap and can be combined? Which sections relate to the point and which are secondary? State your point rather than writing many paragraphs to ‘lead up’ to it. Include something only if it is relevant to your argument. You should not include something just because it is a fact, or just because it is included in your course materials.Instead, aim to remove or condense whole sections of your assignment. It is unlikely to reduce the assignment's length significantly, but it may confuse your argument. Don't try to remove single words from your assignment.If your assignment is too short, either there is more to the answer than you have written or the assignment has not gone into enough detail about the answer.

    change case in word to standard title word 2000

    This means that if your assignment is too long, you're either taking too many words to explain your point or giving too many / too detailed examples. The word limit that you are given reflects the level of detail required. Unless the lecturer tells you otherwise, the word limit does not include ‘administrative’ sections of the assignment: the cover or title page, table of contents, table of figures, reference list, list of works cited, bibliography, or any appendices. Use the tool below to calculate the acceptable range for an assignment (based on +/- 10%). If the assignment uses the words “up to” (as in “up to 2500 words”) that usually means that you cannot go above the limit. Unless the lecturer tells you that these limits are strict, it is normally acceptable to be 10% above or below this word limit (so, for example, a 2000 word assignment should be between 18 words). Assignment length requirements are usually given in terms of numbers of words.

    Change case in word to standard title word 2000